Amnesty Gig

Played at the big bash for Amnesty at Clwb Ivor Bach on Sunday night. Strange contrast to having just finnished the UK tour where folk obviously come to hear you play, to go into a room where some know you and many dont, and having to almost win folk over. Seemed to do that though, got quite militant and focussed actually, think i scared my self!Glad i did it and met some great people. Wierd the way the body knows when your done. Like today here comes the cold and severe soar throat whilst it all stays away knowing there is a schedule to get through, but once your done..look out. Still trying to mix the FFA album today, there`s a lot to do to get that done and dusted before i leave for Canada. The tour with Steve starts as soon as i get bcak so we have to get the thing to the manufacturers soon. Anyhow. Happy Christmas everyone. Sadly war is not over but we fight on the side pf peace and justice. Thanks for joining in this last twelve months, we have done a lot and make quite a team. Will email out Christmas wishes in the next 24 hours but for those of you who read this diary..Walk on..just like the man said. M x


Happy New Year


Lord Of The..