The new album is just about ready to go. Michael Wrycraft has come up with a great image for the front cover. The wrecking ball works on a number of levels for us but will let folk decide what it means to them. The whole idea of this album was for me to do something about the disparity between the recordings of some material in the past that just doesn’t do justice to where those songs are today.I chose and recorded many songs but included the ones I felt were the most evolved and representative of where I am as a musician today. The process has been illuminating and brought about something I wasn’t expecting. This is the best album I have ever made.I know it has the benefit of containing some of the strongest songs across a long period of time but something else is inherent here. I managed to resist adding anything to the recordings so that they are all one takes with just vocal and guitar and the honesty of it all just works. It’s like a live album but better. The recorded sound is so in your face and true and Denis Blackhams skills at the mastering stage have caused the music to leap out of the speakers. I was maybe hopping for something that would express where I was as an artist but this has surpassed that. As I explain in my line notes on the album I honestly feel that for the first time I have made a record that folk will be able to listen to and understand what my music is about. These are unusually bold statements from myself but that’s how excited and pleased I am with this album. There is a great liberation within me in finally feeling like I have recorded something that represents such a long journey. I’m so looking forward to getting this out there.