Happy Christmas, Tour Is Over
Hey folks Well its all done and what a good one it was. Thanks for coming out in droves and bringing new folk along as well. The connection i feel with life and the bigger picture when i`m on the road is hard to describe, and night after night you contributed to, and shared that with me. Judging by the message board you got something out of it too, so, i`m gonna take it easy for a few weeks in the comfort and knowledge that we kicked the darkness and let in a little light back there.Big love to everyone at this time of the year. Thanks for all your support through 02, especially for the great contribution you made to the work of the MST in Brazil. I will be back on the road in January with that Knighlty bloke, and beyond that looms a lot more touring and a new studio album. I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peacefull new year. Whilst i fear the worst, let us still not give up on the hope that an alternative to war will be found against Iraq. Maybe leaders that act as if they dont want war would be a start.