Tenby Beach and other stuff
Tenby beach is like a giant ‘Etch a Sketch’. Wonderful designs are conceived on it’s sand during the tidal retreat and then the whole thing is wiped clean and flat by the tide on its way home. Went across to Caldey Island today..wonderful.Anyhow, back to the ‘Unsung Heros’ tour tomorrow. It started well in Liverpool on Saturday night and its good to be back working with Stewart and Martin again. We play Newport on Thursday, and I’m hoping to attend the presentation of the award from Amnesty for the BBC Wales MST programme before the show in Cardiff. So pleased for Julian, the producer, who stuck his neck out to get that made. On Sunday I played the Gosport Folk Festival with Show Of Hands. It was a superb night and one I will remember a long time. Sometimes you hit the stage and just float, the sound is good, the atmosphere is right and I just go somewhere and it all happens so easy. So much fun to play some songs with Phil Beer and Steve Knightly too. We are talking about a tour together at some point in the future. I know some folks are having trouble ordering the EP through shops. Please keep trying, it will end up on systems in the next few days and the good news through today was that HMV are going to stock a few copies as well. We will email more info next weekend but thanks for your patience..keep nagging em!!