Tis done..
Off she went. Two DAT tapes in a brown envelope with strict instructions as to what mixs to use. Done and dusted with just the art work to ponder. I look forward to meeting her again in the not too distant future, but right now i dont want to hear it. Dont ask me how it sounds, at the moment i dont know. I mean, its all there and i couldnt have done more to make it better, but the old head is spinning with it.A gentle voice tells me that its going to be of use and thats good. Reaction from those that have heard is exceptional. I`m more cautious. You will tell me soon enough. And anyhow, a young lad from Daniel and Stefan`s school died last week, hit by a train. I guess in the distress and tension following that his father had an argument with the mother and attcked her with a hammer, she is now in hospital fighting for her life, the father went down to the railway line and through himslef in front of a train and died too. I`m lost for words to explain this to my children, how hellish some folks lives become and so close to home. So i make some music, its all i can do.