USA quotes from Vancouver
"I`m in love with this country called America. I`m a huge fan of America. I`m one of those annoying fans, you know the ones that read the CD notes and follow you into bathrooms and ask you all kinds of annoying questions about why you didn`t live up to that. I`m that kind of fan.I read the Declaration of Independence and I`ve read the Constitution of the United States, and they are some liner notes, dude." Bono, activist rock star, in his commencement address at the University of Pennsylvania. Father of beheaded American speaks out The words of Michael Berg, whose 26-year-old son Nick Berg was beheaded by Iraqi militants: "People like George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld don`t see the pain that people have to bear - they don`t know what it feels like to have your guts ripped out." "What I`m trying to do is show to the American people and the British people...that war has a wretchedly horrible face." "There are 11,000-plus Iraqi citizens that are dead and each one`s family is as affected as I was, but the American media doesn`t cover these people. It doesn`t cover the people who are suffering the most. Observing someone`s pain just makes you think just how can they [Bush and Blair] possibly do this. There isn`t enough money in the world that could ever make this worthwhile."