Bob Harris and Paul Daniels

Played the Lowry Theatre in Manchester, or Salford as I was corrected, last night. Beautiful venue, like a mini Albert Hall. The tour is going so well, though my voice is a little weak having yelled my head off for a few weeks now.We do seem to be having navigational problems after shows, probably because I'm driving, and last night was no exception. We arrived back at base in Bolton a little later than expected but I doing so heard a nice mention about the gig on the Bob Harris show on Radio 2. Some kind soul had emailed in and said what a good night they had had etc. It was kind of surreal to hear that as we drove. As it was to see the magician Paul Daniels at a service station a few days ago, and then to turn up at the Huntingdon Hall in Worcester on the same day, open the guest book randemly and go straight to the page that said; `yours magical Paul Daniels`..wierd that




Stafford or Stamford?