Stafford or Stamford?
Think I played the longest show of my life at the Ropery in Sunderland. Unlike the theatre venues the venue is a pub and doesn’t have strict curfew times. Couldn’t get away there and played for three and half hours, it was a good night.A guy called John was singing along to every song, so I got him up to sing complete with cigarette and flying ash! All nights are going well though and its good to be trying out the new songs. Managed to drive 30 miles in the wrong direction after the show looking for the hotel but hey, it was late. Yesterday, before the Southport show, I played golf at Lytham St Annes. Got to play with touring pro Paul Eales, which was a great experience, and what a great guy. Gonna get going to Stafford for tonight’s show, until this morning I thought I was playing Stamford!