
Have had a wonderful time at this terrific festival, with many highlights. Got to hook up with old friends Bruce Guthro and Janis Ian. Bruce, apart from his solo career here, is the lead singer of Runrig who i toured with some news ago, and graciously got me up to sing with him and friends when he was on the mainstage.Janis and i toured in 96 (i think) and we did a workshop together along with Ron Sexsmith. That was wonderful as it was to play a couple of tunes on the mainstage in front of around ten thousand people with lighted candles..just a beautiful sight. Built up a nice following over the weekend and had just about a full house at my gig today. It was an emotional gig, charged by the fact i`m looking to home now and the fact that so many came. The standing ovation thing always throws me and i never know where to look..people here were just so kind and gracious and seemed to hook up with the lyrics. The whole thing was a blessing and did a lot of good towards profile in this amazing country. Sitting on the hill listning to the Indigo Girls closing tonight was beautiful, downtown shining in the distance and candles again..today my job just couldnt get better. Got some pics to throw up in the gallery in the next few days. Onwards now for a few solo shows this week in Bragg Creek and Canmore then on to Vancouver Island for the last festival..Rootsfest. Home is in sight.


Calgary, Metropolis, Organs, sleep


Back to work..