MST total

Spent much of today replying to a back log of letters and cards. Still havent got through them all but thanks for all your encouragement, seems like the tour in Dec was very meaningful for some. The figure we have raised for the MST in Brazil in £7500.This includes donations and the monies that would have normally been spent on the passport que Christmas card. I resent having to give the government the VAT but cant get around it for various reasons. Still, i know that the folks in Brazil will be thrilled and put the money to good use. Also, a few more folk know about their work now! One letter i replied to today was from a guy in prison. I write to him regularly and he has a copy of the words to `Change Your World` on the wall in his cell. That makes me feel very humble and grateful that the music gets through and is of use at times. Off to the gig at Castle Hedingham tomorrow, now where is that map?


Ferrets, Dogs and the Munchin Morgans


Me and Knightley