The morning after!
Yesterday was quite a day. Got to the CIA around 4.30 to sound check and sensed that all was not well. I was told gently by Phil (tour manager) that it had been decided to terminate my involvement after the evening's show.I was a little stunned at first, though in retrospect it's no big deal. The tour had started a little shakily, Shirley's audience are older than mine and various teething problems had arisen. However, the last five shows had been great and I thought we were on our way. I realised that the tour as a whole was not going to further my career that much but had come to the conclusion that I had been booked to do a job and I was going to stick with it.It's funny but when I was first offered the gig my reaction was 'no', only after the size of audiences were pointed out was I persuaded to change my mind…funny thing, instinct.The gig was the best yet. Really connected with the home crowd and felt a strange feeling whilst singing 'Please Sir' of how it does feel to be 'pushed aside'. I could of course do the public relations bit and say I walked first, but let honesty prevail. I would have stuck it out, but I think in all truth, a favour was done for me. I have to say, Shirley was kind throughout and had nothing to do with the decision to part company.Apart from the gig I spent the evening running around thanking the crew for their input and help. I normally hand out the odd bottle of wine to these guys but, as I didn't know what was going down till I arrived, I handout CD's instead. The guy's look visibly moved. You actually become part of a small community as you travel around, and an unspoken bond is put in place. We'll meet up again somewhere; Dave who took care of my sound on this tour did the same for me on the Chris De Burgh tour in 93. They have another 22 shows ahead.So, my own gig in Bristol tonight where I will wear jeans on stage and sing what the hell I like