Here we go..

Been rehearsing up some stuff for the tour which starts in Aberdeen on Wednesday. Will be starting the journey up tommorow. If it was a one off up there i would fly but will need the wheels for the rest of the week. Anyhow, it will be a nice, if long, journey up. Just finnished this question/answer thing for `Whats On` magazine in Birmingham, thought i would whack it in the diary.Looking forward to getting out and playing shows now, the best part of the job. Last film you saw? Harry Potter..Chamber Of Secrets. I have three kids who love the books and couldnt wait to see the new film. I enjoyed it but couldnt watch the bit when Ron has slugs coming out of his mouth. I dont like slugs. Last gig you saw? Well i have been opening some shows for Chris De Burgh so `him` i suppose, though i did get to see Springsteen at Wembley Arena a few weeks back. I`m a huge Bruce fan and there was no way i was going to miss that gig. Last time you went to the theatre? Went to see the musical `Chicago` in Cardiff just last week. Very nice and pleasing to the eye! Last album you bought? David Gray`s ` A New Day At Midnight`. It took me ages to get into `White Ladder`, i couldnt see what the fuss was about for a while and then i suddenly fell in love with it. the new one is going to take some time too but it has something that keeps me playing it. Last book you read? I`m reading a few. I`m just staring the `Life Of Pi` by Yann Martel, which won the Booker prize, i`m halfway through the autobiography of golfer Colin Montgomerie. There`s another dozen or so books by my bed wating to be started or dipped into. I start a lot but dont always finnish them. When was the last time you told a lie? I never have, so there, just then. When did you last give money to charity? Well, i have just put out a CD to raise a lot of dosh for a group of people in Brazil called the MST, which is Movemento Semm Terra, Movement Of the Landless. I saw their work first hand in March this year in Rio. They campaign for land reform and justice for the poorest folk in that vast country. I was inspired by their commitment, passion and love of community. They have educated half a million children and re settled two hundered and fifty thousand families in the last fifteen years, despite great opposition from the goverment of Brazil. many have been taken by the police never to be heard from again and in 1996 there was a massacre at one of the MST camps. They however, are a non violent movement. I promised i would try to pass on something of their struggle over here and do something practical to help. By the time this tour has finnished we should have raised around ten thousand pounds to send directly to these brave people. When was the last time you lost your temper and why? It takes a lot to be honest. Its often fustration with myself, but trying to keep everything running smoothly and everyone happy can push one over the edge. I find it easier to extend grace to others than myself though which i guess is the right way around. I did loose it the other night when Puff Diddy offered his diamond ring to any girl who would take her clothes off. One did, though it looked like a set up. he was hosting the MTV awards and i just thought what a prat, absolute male prat. One minute he`s talking that easy speak about `peace, love and understanding` and the next moment he`s dissing women and acting like a pimp. If i had been in that room i would have lost it with him. When was the last time you treated yourself to something and what was it? Oo, lets see. It was a painting of a pool with a feather floating in it i saw in Narbeth, West Wales. A beautiful piece of art that had me messmorised, i resisted at first but went back the next day and got it. Last time you came to Birmingham? Played the NEC with Chris De Burgh a few weeks ago. What do you think of Birmingham and what do you like about it? I have always liked playing shows in the area and think the town centre is great. I remember when i was a child we nearly moved there with my Dad`s job. Describe yourself in five words Happy to be sad sometimes. What keeps you awake at night? Well, its 2 am as i type this for you guys! I like staying up late and working away. The world is silent, phones dont ring etc. Its often late at night when i finnaly get to do my job and write songs.


This is fun..


MTV Awards