MTV Awards
Went to see the musical `Chicago` at the New Theatre Cardiff last night, which was very enjoyable. Got home to watch the last hour or so of the MTV music awards.Was incensed by Puff Diddy when he offered his diamond ring to any woman who would get up and take off her clothes. One did, which looked liked a set up but the whole gesture was pathetic and degrading. I`m no prude or moralist, but one moment this prat is telling us about universal love, peace and understanding and then he does the party trick with the ring. How can MTV give an award away for good folks working in the fight against racism and then have this ego driven fool make such a gesture for flips sake? Give me the Osbourne`s any day, Puff Diddy can shove his ring where the sun dont shine. Having got that off my chest..ahem. Have been rehearsing some tunes up for the tour starting in Scotland next week. I`m looking forward to it, but have the last CDB show at the CIA in Cardiff to take care of first.